News & references

Dichroic Design

New collection by Sodalime

Short News

The "Zauberglas" (magic glass) from Stromberg

A remarkable documentary of the “Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen” (ARD) public broadcaster reveals the “secret” of PRINZ OPTICS’ dichroic glass to the viewer and at the same time shows the allure of the surprising colour effects of this material. The documentary is in German.

Watch here


NEW: Prinz Optics has developed a chemically temperable version of its three-layer anti-reflection coating: AR4 CH

In tests with well-known glass processors, the compressive stress introduced during chemical tempering and the penetration depth achieved have reached or even exceeded the required values.

The optical quality (residual reflection and reflection colour) is preserved.

To the product

References colour effect glass

Admired works, successfully executed projects, conclusive problem solutions – you can see our references here. Feel free to use these as examples for your own needs and interests. To display only the references that are relevant to your area of interest, please use the filter.

"One World Trade Center" Entrée / Lobby

by SOM Architects

„Chandeliers“ Opera house Copenhagen

by Ólafur Elíasson

Harpa, Reykjavik Facade

by Ólafur Elíasson

Skylight-Tower Frankfurt a.M.

by Ivonne Goulbier

Mumbai Airport

by SOM Architects

"Time suspended" Minneapolis

by Alexander Tylevich


by Camilla Richter

„Liberty of the Seas“

Liner - balconies

Dual light prisms Vaduz

by Heinz Mack

"Spectra" Tables

by Kukka Design Studios

"Our Spectral Vision" London

by Liz West

"Colour Fields" Frankfurt a. M.

by Inga Danysz

"Friendly coexistence spheres"

by Ólafur Elíasson

"Light Catching Shadows"

by Camilla Richter

Stage design "Moving Colours"

by Yoko Seyama

"Tre verdener, to møder og et mellemværende"

by Ólafur Elíasson

"Care and power sphere"

by Ólafur Elíasson

Art projekt "Saiyah" #2

by Yoko Seyama

"Cromotopia Molzbichl" (Austria)

by Victoria Coeln

"Spectra Blinds"

by Rona Meyuchas Koblenz

Chapel window

by Michèle Janata

"In real life"

by Ólafur Elíasson

"Trap I - V"

by Jesse Magee


by Sodalime

"Static Sundown"

by Camilla Richter

Success Stories with colour effect glass

Large-scale sculpture of curved colour effect glass

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Colour effect glass effects at One World Trade Center

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Victoria Coeln "Diachromes"

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NEO/CRAFT designer lamps made of colour effect glass

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Dichroic glass in architecture and art; Hardcover, 104 pages

Flyer (PDF)

References Optical filters

Some examples of our problem-solving competence. Examples because in trusting cooperation customers often do not want to be named. You can filter the references here:

UV-reflecting filters UA-EMMA for material testing

by Atlas

Traffic surveillance Optical mirrors


AR filters

Antireflection coating for 3D printers

Beam splitters

for reading text in a teleprompter

Success Story Optical filters

Development of optical filters for traffic surveillance

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Filters in Prolicht lighting systems at "Light+Building"

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News archive

Prinz Optics newsletter >SPECTRUM< 1 / 2022

Camilla Richter: Exhibition success at the BIKINI BERLIN

Nano-Coatings on metal and plastics

Ólafur Eliasson designs stage set with dichroic glass

A Fascinating Art Installation at the Biennale

Prinz Optics newsletter >SPECTRUM< 2021

Detecting glass accurately: Application report from IPF Electronic

Ólafur Elíasson Inspires at Tate Modern

Dichroic Glass inspires students to create glass art objects

Exhibition "Light becomes Colour" - Dichroic Glass